How Did We Get Here? Part Two
Someone I love, lost someone she loved. It was sudden; it was shocking. It was a tragic loss of someone much too young. And it was a stunning reminder that life is, indeed, short, and that you only get one. This was a world-rocking event. So here we were. There was this pandemic, and it was crushing. There was this horrible reminder that you're not promised tomorrow. So I did something that's not very characteristic for me- I was spontaneous. People who know me, know that I'm a bit of a planner. Taking a last minute trip out of state isn't something most of my people would expect me to do. And yet, one early spring morning I found myself enjoying a Sunday, Sunday, Sunday (it's a thing, I'll explain sometime) with the laptop, Zillow dreaming. I kept seeing these condos on the ocean in North Carolina that seemed crazy-cheap (relatively speaking), but it was clear that the prices were on the rise. We had a little financial flexibility, thanks to all the buildin...