And the results are in.....

The Covid test results are back.... 

.... and negative.

I suppose it's not a bad thing that I had the last two days to rest. Goodness knows, I don't take that much time to rest very often.  Maybe the universe was just trying to help me out with a nudge in the direction of self-care?

Self-care is an interesting topic. Sometimes I think of it as resting. But honestly, self-care for me often looks like things that take energy.  Spending time with friends is a big one on my list of things that I find restorative. Family game nights with all the kids, even on Zoom- we laugh SO hard. Working on a quilt in the sewing room- or, just even playing with fabric in there (I like the planning as much as the actual creating). Fourteen-hour car trips to spend a couple of days watching dolphins (the dolphins part more than the car trip part anyway). And then, there are things that I don't enjoy doing, but I enjoy having done- like, cleaning the house.  I suppose exercise fits into that category as well.

It seems sort of ho-hum to say that one of my goals for the year is to be better at self-care. I mean, don't we always say we need to be better at that? I think I need to broaden my definition of things that are self-care. Saying "no" without explaining myself, for example- I'm not great at that.  Accepting help without saying, "No, thanks, I'm okay." Letting myself off the hook more often. Guarding my down-time and not feeling guilty for it.  Understanding that just because I can, doesn't mean I should (see: saying no). All of these are things I could practice more.

I also need to reframe why self-care is important. It's not just because "you can't pour from an empty pitcher"... which, is true. But why is it we should have to justify taking care of ourselves?

I suppose if I were going to summarize this post with a theme, I would have to say it's this: Because You're Worth It (apologies to that cosmetics company).

Tucker says, "It's okay to just chill, Mom."


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